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Solve Problems, Don’t Create Them


We should be able to learn how to stop letting the little things in life drive us crazy. We must live our lives in a calmer and less stressful way and be able to let go of our problems.  There are two types of people: those who solve problems, and those who create problems.  We should keep the little things from overtaking our lives.  A great thing you can do to yourself is to alter your attitude.

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Mind your manners in communications

Effective communication is a two-way process that includes giving as well as taking.  No communication is truly effective if it only carries one of these aspects.  Observe your manners in communications.


We can keep the communication brief, sweet, and positive by being polite and gentle.

Remember to use these powerful phrases:

  • Please
  • Thank you
  • Sorry
  • Excuse Me
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Believing that “I Can”

You are indeed the creator of your own life experience.

Whatever you desire, you can acquire.  Tell yourself, “I CAN” and tune yourself with who you really want to be.  Once you tune in to who you really are, the feelings of fear and vulnerability disappear.

Be easy-going about it and be playful.  Interestingly, sometimes the wrong choices we make in life bring us to the right places.

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Learn Math Early A Key To Success

Science says parents of successful kids have things in common.  One of the common things they have is:-



A 2007 meta-analysis of 35,000 preschoolers across the US, Canada, and England found that developing math skills early can turn into a huge advantage.

“The paramount importance of early math skills — of beginning school with a knowledge of numbers, number order, and other rudimentary math concepts — is one of the puzzles coming out of the study,” coauthor and Northwestern University researcher Greg Duncan said in a press release. “Mastery of early math skills predicts not only future math achievement, it also predicts future reading achievement.”

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“Flexibility Is Power”

A flexible person is ready and able to change in order to adapt to different circumstances.  It means we can cope with changes and think about problems and tasks in innovative and creative ways.  Flexibility is the ability to adapt to situational demands for a balanced life.Flexibility

Being flexible is the key to success.  We need to have the ability to react to what is around us, and we must be willing to change our minds.  We have to be able to change our course, even at a last-minute notice.

We might not like changes.  Sometimes life does not turn out the way we expected, and that is okay.  We must embrace it, be flexible, and change our path.

Our relationships with possessions and people we have known for years will give us comfort and stability.  However, we need to keep progressing forward.  New opportunities and people we meet along the way will force us to be flexible and change as required to accomplish our evolving goals.

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