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Parenting Tips: What To Do If Children Fight

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Fighting or arguing is commonplace in many families. But it takes two to have an argument and if one of you fails to rise to the bait, it won’t happen.   Challenge them to come up with a fair solution together.  Show them that they are expected to be part of the solution.

Tips on what to do if children fight:

* If children start to fight over an activity, tell them clearly to stop.
* Make it a family policy to avoid arguments and fights.
* Teach sharing and turn-taking.
* Be a model of appropriate behaviour. If you are hot tempered with your partner, your child may see this as a way of dealing with problems.
* Keep children busy with activities. Spend more quality time and connect family together.
* Encourage children not to hold grudges.

Use consequences consistently and children will quickly learn that problem-solving is a better route to attention and rewarding solutions than problem-making.



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