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Parenting Tips: How To Handle FUSSY EATERS

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Making a fuss about food guarantees instant attention and many children slide into the habit of using food to wield power. Others are not interested in food and their parents’ efforts to make them eat put them off even more. Remove the pressure. Food can be enjoyed only when it is not associated with parental nagging.  While it can be frustrating when a child rejects the food we give them, it’s actually the way that we deal with the situation that impacts on their eating habits.

* Introduce your child to as many foods as possible at an early age.
* Involve your child in the preparation work.
* Be creative in garnishing and making the colours interesting.
* Don’t buy what you don’t want your child to eat.
* Teach your child where food comes from.
* Explain which foods are healthy and what they do for our bodies. Eat the same food as your child, and eat together.
* Don’t label your child a ‘picky eater’. Instead, praise him for what he eats, so he’ll take pride in his achievement.

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