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MINDSET: If you think you can, you can

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It is from extreme importance when you do something to believe that you can actually achieve the goals that you’ve set up for yourself. There are no walls through the path of accomplish-ing your goals. The only walls, are the one that you put by yourself. Whether you think you can or you cannot, you’re right in either way.

Our mind is the most powerful thing that we possess. What you tell to yourself can prevent or make a change from happening, from achieving something, from getting new skills or from even cur-ing yourself from a disease.

If you are determined to achieve your goals, building better habits or just being better than yourself, then this article is for you!

How beliefs can react on you

There are many benefits of having a growth mindset that may seem obvious, but most of us have a fixed on certain issues. Fixed mindset can often stop you from doing some things in your life that you want to. For example, if you say that you hate chemistry, that belief serves you as an excuse not to practice or to study it. In other words, fixed mindset can stop you from developing yourself by learning something new.

Admit that you aren’t good in that certain thing and concentrate on it until you ace it!

People who have positive or growth mindset are the ones who never stop developing themselves. Don’t ignore criticism, learn from it. Don’t avoid challenges, rather than overcoming them. Get inspired from the success of other, rather than envying them.

If you are that guy who believes that you are a loser, you can’t lose weight, or you aren’t an athlete or good with numbers, then we can’t lie to you, you are that guy! Fixed mindsets will make you avoid something, that something will stop you from being better than you were yesterday.

Eliminate that mindset and reach for your goals. You won’t regret it in any case!

Actions change your Beliefs

Actions will change your beliefs, but to do so you have to start doing some repeated actions. If you want to start something don’t worry about the how. This is a mistake. Focus on the progress that you get throughout the process that you’ve started. Whether it is going to be playing basketball or jogging, you have to focus on progress and “not quitting”. Eventually, you will succeed.

Everybody who is good at something practices it everyday. It doesn’t matter if it’s a singer, football player, musician or a student. The one who practices their activity daily is the one who eventually gets good at it. They don’t try to reach instant success, but progress. It’s the dedication for being better than they were yesterday that sets them apart from others and makes them the best in what they do.

People with growth mindset focus on the process of being better than they were yesterday, rather than reaching for the final product from the beginning.


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